Monday, May 23, 2011

Independent Novel Questions

In Advanced Studies English 10, each student read a different novel and wrote out questions and answers relating to the novel. Later on, students read a novel that  a classmate had read and answered the questions that the classmate had created. I read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte for my first novel, then read Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist. In this unit I learned about writings from Emily Bronte as well as other authors. I also learned about recognizing important parts in the plot of stories.

Antigone Essay Reflection

Students in Advanced English 10 were required to read Antigone, a play about a woman who stood up for justice. An analytical essay on the themes in the novel was also required. My essay reveals themes in the novel and gives examples to prove these themes. By completing the essay, I improved my writing and learned about how people think and make judgements.

Brave New World Essay Reflection

After reading Brave New World, I had to write an analytical essay on the themes in the novel. I chose the theme of how the value of life is demonstrated. By completing this assignment, I learned about psychology, perceived roles in society, and the theories of philosophers.

Lord of the Flies Essay Reflection

In Advanced English 10, we read Lord of the Flies and wrote an analytical essay on the themes present in the novel. This essay provides evidence of a certain theme and uses quotes from the novel as examples of the theme. By completing this essay, I improved my writing skills and learned about psychological traits that cause people to act in certain ways.

Research Paper Reflection

This research paper was written for the research paper unit in Advanced English 10. The topic is the life and writings of Carlos Fuentes, a hispanic author who writes about the modern problems in Mexico's society. By completing this project, I learned how to research, take notes, and cite sources. I also learned about Carlos Fuentes, who plays an important role in helping to give recognition to problems in Mexico.